Today I woke up around 7:45. I
wasn’t sure what to do, and my brain was not in Spanish mode. My host mom,
Gina, asked if I wanted to eat breakfast or shower. So I decided to shower.
Apparently everyone in Costa Rica showers in the morning. I guess it is weird
to shower at night, which is what I usually do. But it’s so humid here, I guess
you want to shower all the time. The shower head is literally right above your
head, which is kind of cool. There is only one knob, so at first I turned it
quite a ways. The water was ice cold, but I didn’t want to waste it, so I endured
the ice cold water. I thought to myself, oh my gosh, it’s going to be a long 3
months if this is what showers are going to be like. But I tried turning the
knob back toward off, and the water got hot! Such a relief!
breakfast Gina made me bread with a butter type substance and jelly. She also
cut up fruit for me. I had watermelon, cantaloupe, and I think papaya. It was
kind of slimy and was a deep orange. It tasted… interesting. It was so
different, I couldn’t decide if I liked it. But I think I figured out that it
is not my favorite.
Gina walked me to the museum where
we have class and where our class was meeting. The building is named after an
important past president of Costa Rica. I learned about how he helped abolish
the military use the money to better education. The literacy rate in Costa Rica
is actually higher than it is in the US.
I walked home for lunch with
Chandler and her host mom. We picked up her granddaughter from school. She was
so adorable. Her name was Valentina. She made fart noises with her hands on the
walk home trying to make Chandler and me laugh, and it worked. But I don’t
think her grandma was too pleased with her. Chandler’s host mom taught me how
to get home from her house and I soon saw Gina waving to me from the gate. I’m
not sure if she was worried that I got lost because it took me a while to get
home. I felt bad. But I think she was just happy I made it. We had beans, rice,
and this yellowish food I can’t remember what the name was, but I liked it, and
chicken and salad for lunch. In Costa Rica lunch is the biggest meal of the day
and many people take a siesta or nap after eating and returning to work or
whatever they have to do. I served myself, taking a little of everything so
that I could try it and see if I liked it and I didn’t want to waste the food.
But my family keeps telling me my plate is so little and I don’t eat that much.
Which is a surprise for me haha. For those of you who know me well, you know I
am not one to eat “a little”. I watched how Gina and Guillermo washed their
dishes and things after eating and tried to emulate them as best I could. I
hope I’m doing it right!
After class in the afternoon,
Chandler and I walked with Mariah back to her house because we thought we lived
somewhat close. We were pretty confused when we dropped her off. We had some
idea about where we were, but everything sort of looks similar. We literally
walked for an hour from house to house, so completely confused. We kept ending
up on the same street that looked so familiar. We tried turning left, right,
and going back from the street but we could NOT find our houses! We kept
contemplating going back to the church to start over. But when we got back to
this street, we still wouldn’t have known where to go. Finally, I said this is
familiar! Let’s just keep going straight. So we did, and guess what we found?
There was Chandler’s house. Pretty sure we had passed it… We got to Chandler’s
house and they let us un. Her mom let me call my mom on their house phone. It
was nice to hear her voice, but I think she was very surprised when it was me.
Haha. Then I walked home and saw Gina and my host grandma, Tita, sitting on the
porch. It was a little embarrassing to have to explain to them how I got lost
within a 2 block radius of the house. What is even more embarrassing is the
fact that Chandler’s host sister saw us about a block away from the house and
started calling her name and waving. But we were so focused on finding our way
and thinking that we did not hear or see a thing. It was so embarrassing.
After the long walk, I was sweating
up a storm. It’s terrible how much you sweat when you stop walking! It’s not
even that hot temperature wise here, but it is so humid that you can’t help but
sweat all the time! Well I can’t at least. I decided I should probably unpack
and not live out of my suitcase. Are you proud of me mom? So I started to
unpack and put away my things. I have a wardrobe type closet in my room with
two drawers and a place to hang clothes and then an area to stack clothes. When
I opened the closet and found 5 hangers, I was a little concerned. What am a
going to do with the shit ton (excuse my language) of clothes that I brought?!
But I found a way to be resourceful. I put all my dresses on two hangers, my
short sleeve shirts on another, tanks on another, long sleeves on another, and
skirts on another. It was perfect.
I was unpacking I realized I have a TV! I turned it on and started flipping
channels. I found out we get a bunch of American channels! I was so incredibly
excited. I direct line to my world! Some of the channels from the states are in
English with Spanish subtitles but others are voiced over with Spanish. I even
found Pretty Little Liars on TV! I’m sure you can imagine my excitement and
enthusiasm. But it was in SPANISH! I guess that will be a good way for me to
learn though!
As I was unpacking I heard a knock
on the door. I opened it and found two little girls, probably between 4 an 6.
The older one started talking a hundred miles an our. She told me her whole
(very long) name and the name of her sister. Their names are Amanda and Paula.
They were adorable. But I don’t think they know how to speak slowly. They were
very hard to understand haha. I’ve noticed when people don’t know how to speak
slower they speak louder. That’s probably what we do in the US too now that I think
about it. She asked me if I was from Los Estados Unidos, and I told her yes. I
think she may have told me that they love gringas… but I’m not sure haha. I
followed them out onto the porch and Tita patted the ground for me to sit by
her. It was very interesting seeing the interaction between the family and the
kids as well as the two neighbor kids who came over shortly. I met Gina’s Aunt,
and I think those girls were her granddaughters and they live next to us. Then
a little boy came over, probably about 6 years old. Tita kept yelling cuidado!
Cuidado! (Careful) Because the drivers in Costa Rica are CRAZY. They do not
stop. Doña Mayra told us that in Costa Rica pedestrians NEVER have the right of
way. I think my dad may have a difficult time coping with the cars and driving
when he comes to visit haha. The boy’s name was Andres and he was soooo cute.
All of his words slurred together but I couldn’t stop watching him and how
similar he was to kids back in the US that I know. He asked me how to say words
in English. Some I knew and some I did not, which is kind of embarrassing.
Haha. Then his sister Krystal came over and she was a few years older. They
were quite the pair. She asked my lots of question but I couldn’t understand a
word she was saying. I felt so bad. Eventually I just looked at her sadly and
said in English, I have no idea what you are saying. She gave me a blank stare
dinner we eat left overs whenever we get hungry. In Costa Rica no one really
eats dinner. It is not a formal meal. People just eat a little something when
they are hungry I think. So I had food heated up from lunch. I watched a few
Telenovelas with Gina and Guillermo asked me if I liked them. I said yes, and he laughed and rolled
his eyes haha. Lo siento Guillermo.
far there have been two very different thing here than in the US. Apparently
you don’t flush you toilet paper here? Wish someone would have told me that
sooner so I could have been prepared! Haha I had to find out from other people
at school. There is a small trash can by the toilet that you put the paper in.
I’m not sure how that works in certain situations… but I guess I will have to
get used to it. The other thing that is so different is all the stray dogs. It
is literally breaking my heart. All I can see is my dog, Catcher, everywhere I
go. They walk by you and look up at you with these sad eyes and I desperately
want to bend down and pet and love them and take them home and save them but I
know not to touch them. But really, it is killing me. Doña Mayra says people
can’t decide on whether to kill them or leave them alone. I guess we take them
to the pound and if people don’t want them we kill them in the US. But I don’t
know what is worse. Because it is so hard to watch! I wish I could help the
little perritos :(
that is all I have for now! More to come later.
¡Hasta Luego!
Pretty Little Liars, yay!! Now you have a show to comfort you :)Im glad you are settling into your room. The toilet paper thing is a little different lol. You will have to tell me how that goes. Maybe your body will get used to the sweating, hopefully.
ReplyDeleteHey there girl! So nice to hear you are alive and well and that you are learning your way around! I agree, that toilet paper thing is strange, but oh well! Have fun, learn lots and keep on blogging!!!
Thanks Dianne!
ReplyDeleteHaha gee thanks Lisa! So good skyping you the other night!