Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Las Musas

Day 5 9/1/12

            This was quite a day! So much happened. We took our first taxi to Las Musas Water Park! Driving through the country we thought we were going to die! The roads were narrow and the cars were driving so fast. We kept swerving and there was an endless supply of bumps. But the further we drove the more beautiful it became. Now this is what I thought of when I imagined Costa Rica. Vast rainforests with green that goes on for miles. Muy bonita. Blue skies and lush trees and greenery.
            When we arrived at the “park” the Maria (the taxi meter) didn’t stop! It just kept adding on and on as we sat there trying to collect our money! It was taking forever for us to add it up so Hillary just ended up paying for it so we wouldn’t end up paying a fortune. I’m pretty sure that they are not allowed to do that, but of course, us gringas didn’t know what to say.
            We could see the whole park from up on the hill and it was so pretty! There was a giant pool with a big slide in the middle of the rainforest and we could see a breathtaking waterfall in the distance.

    So the group headed straight for the waterfall. The water was flowing off the cliff like sand in an hourglass, so smooth and weightless. It was splashing and sending mist in every direction.
            We had to cross this tiny rickety bridge that would have been SO much scarier if it were more than four feet off the ground. I got right into the water when we made it to the waterfall. After swimming in the Green River on a not so hot day this summer, I’m pretty sure nothing is cold to me. A bunch of the girls were screaming and freaking out saying how freezing it was. The bottom was a little gross with lots of mud and leaves. But we swam across and a few of us went behind the waterfall and jumped through! It sucked because of course I was wearing my glasses because of all these stupid eye issues I’ve been having, but I won’t get into that. The mist made it impossible to see. I was in some major need of some glasses shield wipers. When I would take my glasses off, I was basically blind. Therefore, it was a lose lose situation. But I managed. When I jumped through I was a little scared because I didn’t know where the rocks were, but I just went for it (almost scraping my knees on the rocks, whoops).

  When we were done there, we went in the pool and Syd and I went on the slide. It was fun but was kind of painful at the same time. It hurt your back all the way down. And Chandler sucked at taking our pictures…

            After swimming around we ate lunch at the restaurant. The worker guy was a little creepy. He was just a little too nice. He kept asking this one girl in our group questions and bringing us free samples, and taking our pictures. He kept winking and touching and telling this girl how beautiful she was. It was a little weird haha.
            The food wasn’t all that great, but what can you expect at a water park I guess. As we are all eating, this drunk guy comes out of nowhere behind me and starts whispering in my ear. It freaked me out! He was crouched down and I thought he was a worker asking me a question at first. I couldn’t really understand him, but he smelled like straight up alcohol. I thought I understood what he was saying, but I was just so confused about the situation. We were all just staring at him, scared and confused. He asked if we spoke Spanish we said a little. Then he asked his question again, if I/we wanted to leave with him and his friend or something! I’m just like hold on! WTH!? Drunk guy, slurring words, 12 in the afternoon, 13 gringas eating lunch, whyyyy is this happening? I was beyond creeped out. I looked up at my friends with terrified eyes and then said, “no gracias, lo siento,” for everyone. And he said ok and left. Few, thank God! We all just started laughing so hard.
            Later, as we were waiting for the bus that never came to pick us up, two, somewhat nicer or more normal looking guys started talking to us. Although they seemed cool, I think they may still be stocking some of the girls from our group, so they might have been a little strange after all. We ended up taking 3 taxis home and ours of course took an alternate route. Our driver took a different turn away from the others and we were all freaking out! He kept saying “la calle, la calle?” And we were just like, the street? “No, el centro, el centro, la iglesia!” And he says “San Jose?” And we are all just like “no! San Ramón!” haha He couldn’t understand what we we meant and had to radio the other taxis to figure out where we were going. “El parque,” he said. Oh… right you know where the park is, but not the church or el centro where this is all located. But finally we ended up making it back.
            My family wasn’t going to get home until late, so Chandler and I walked from my house to hers after dark. These creeper guys started walking behind us. Of course everything is scarier at night. So we grabbed onto each other which I’m sure made us look even more vulnerable. Chan was freaking out and started fumbling for her pepper spray. My heart was thumping and I started to think, “omg, this is it. This is how we are going to go. That or I am about to stab someone, that is if only I could find my damn pocket knife!” But we crossed the street and they went a different direction. So plan avert death was a success.
            At Chandler’s house we chatted with her mom and the Tías as we call them. I told them my major and they said that if I write a book I can dedicate it to my second family in Costa Rica. Chandler’s niece, Valentina was running through the house like a crazy animal, eating hot chocolate powder and screaming and laughing at the top of her lungs for a little attention. Of course, I indulged, and laughed every time, only enticing her.
            We ended up playing cards with Valezca and Valentina. It was so much fun. We tried to play Go Fish, but we couldn’t remember exactly what all the rules were. (Sorry Grandma Dorothy!) It was crazy to think that a 6 and 9 year old were teaching us how to play card games in Spanish. It was really interesting and we learned new words. It was really fun.

            Isa, one of the Tías, made us fresco, something really good she whipped up in the blender. She placed a plate of cookies on the table, and I thought Chandler was going to die as she saw a tiny ant scuttle across the plate. So I instinctively started trying to kill the ants with my fingers so that all would stay calm haha.

            Overall, it was all just another great adventure in Costa Rica J

More to come!

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